Improving My Craft

Will The Artist’s Way Help Me Find My Way?

It is true I have been struggling to write for the last year. It is also true that spending time in the Pacific Northwest helped. But some things have come up in the world of SFF writing that have left me reeling, and I've been struggling--and failing--to keep my creative feet planted. Last year, Sam… Continue reading Will The Artist’s Way Help Me Find My Way?

Improving My Craft

30 Stories in 30 Days: At the Halfway Mark

I've just wrapped up my 15th story, which means I'm halfway through my 30 stories in 30 days challenge. Some stories, I think, have real promise. Or at least they will once I clean them up. Others aren't so great, but they have the seeds of something else. Still others are just plain awful. Technically,… Continue reading 30 Stories in 30 Days: At the Halfway Mark